While the Covid-19 epidemic was complicated, people were recommended by the Ministry of Health to wear masks when going out and washing their hands regularly would reduce the risk of infection. Considered a necessity, masks and antiseptic water quickly became scarce, out of stock. Taking advantage of this, many people have profited for themselves and the organization by increasing the price of masks and antiseptic water many times. It is an action that needs to be condemned and needs to be stopped because it is making the image of people and the tradition of solidarity of our people for many years worse. Moreover, it directly affects the health of consumers because if they use masks, disinfectant solution of poor quality increases the risk of infection and many associated consequences. All probably because of "Profit", "Money" that someone has defied all, despite harming the health of others. To end this, first of all individuals need to be properly aware of the use of essential necessities, avoid wasting and sharing with the community, so that no queuing and jostling activities will occur. chance of profiting from others. At the same time, the authorities need to be strong and handle cases clearly for those who intend to need to leave immediately. Because a Vietnamese says no to disease, says no to price increases, we need to join hands to fight back with the power of solidarity.